What's Next For Me??
I can honestly say that I have no idea what's next for me in this life yet. What I can tell you however are my tentative plans moving forward! It's always good to have plans and goals but to hold on loosely to them as they can change on a dime due to outside factors! So let's dive on in and see what's in store (possibly.. LOL)!
As not many people know, I recently bought a new vehicle before leaving the homestead. My dream car actually! A Toyota 4Runner! It is a car that I never thought I'd be able to afford especially with how I decided to start living my life.. broke and no income.. Yet somehow life had a big beautiful surprise for me! Now that I am back in York working again, the plan is to completely baby this car and upgrade it to get it cross country worthy!! One of Z's friends who is a mechanic is going to help me identify any problem parts and get them swapped out with nice new parts! I am beyond excited to get this car ready for some rough country roads and back country sleeping! Once it is mechanically pristine I will be buying a car top pop up tent so no matter where I am I will have my little home on wheels! Once I have these things in place I will probably work a bit more to get a nice chunk of change saved up then start planning my trip to the west coast! This is my future goal! But what about the now you may be asking? Can you really sit still for a few months working full time hours? NOPE! LOL
This leads nicely into my goals for the present! Now I still need to make money so I'll be working for my buddy in the construction naturally.. Originally I was going to work for 2 months until the end of August. But as I said earlier, plans are to be held on loosely because sometimes the curve balls that life throws at you are better than the original plan! Case in point, one of my tramily (trail family), Ruck Norris, reached out to me about hiking the White Mountains in New Hampshire to help shoot and promote his new hiking product! In return I'll be compensated (money can be made everywhere, just need to be creative..), get content to use for my Youtube Channel (check it out if you like hiking and finding new things!), and have the opportunity to be a guest with him on his friends tv program! This is an absolutely huge opportunity that helps me grow, makes me some cash, gets my company lots of exposure, and it's all by doing what I love!! Total WIN!
That is only trip number one! hahaha
After I complete that trail, I'll head over to my brothers place in connecticut to visit him and my niece and nephew! I might even be doing some work for him for some more spending cash. Then I'll head on down to York, PA again where I'll be guiding and teaching a 2 night 3 day hike adventure for a family of 4! Yet again adding to my finances. After this, I'll probably take a week off to work construction before starting another week hike on the standing stone trail with my buddy Hondo! He was the one who survived the BMT trail with me back in April! Really solid guy!
Then it's back for more work, video editing, and blogging before packing up and driving down the coast to South Carolina to hike the Foothills Trail with other members of my tramily, Phoenix and Costco! Phoenix is also a blogger/writer! Totally check out her site HERE!
So as you can see, I am anything but complacent! If you want to manifest your dreams you need to realize that it takes a hell of a lot of elbow grease and determination! Everything worthwhile in this life you have to fight for! Fight for your dreams fellow wanderers! If I can do it so can you! So thats my challenge to you! Start small and think of a few things you can do to start moving towards your vision! Then follow through and complete them to the best of your ability! The work put in is what you'll receive back!
Lionheart Signing Off